The perception of women in a secondary position compared to men in social life causes women to see themselves as the other self and to always be in anticipation no matter how hard they try. A similarity has been established between the situation of the woman, who cannot make use of the most productive times of her energy while waiting, and the inadequacy of the digital term pixel in terms of resolution. Inspired by Faith Wilding’s Waiting performance.
Inspired by Nermin Saybaşılı's book Boundaries and Ghosts: Migration Movements in Visual Culture, the shadows of two immigrants who could never enter the door, no matter how hard they walked, are animated. The breathing and footsteps of these two unidentified shadows, who only aim to live and travel while living and harm no one, are heard. Their faces are never framed because they are not wanted to be included in the border called "us". The existence of the shadows, which are felt dangerous due to the unknown who they are, appears and disappears in seconds like ghosts. These dangerous shadows are on a journey where they will reach nowhere in time until the door opens and slams hard in their faces.
As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of our Republic, we remember Mustafa Kemal Atatürk with respect and love. When we question how far we have progressed socially and culturally since 1923, the drawing-animation work emphasizes that it is our common responsibility to go further and that we must continue walking. The young woman walking to remember once again the value, importance and respect Atatürk gave to women. The figure is depicted with our star-crescent symbol.
In the 2-minutes anime titled "Bride, Bride", it is aimed to present a critical point of view against women's being seen as an object being tracked for centuries and established cultural discourses such as being a bride and exchanging girls.
With her anime art named "Purify", by using her self-portrait, she wanted to describe the effort of the subject to return to her own desires by being purified while racing against time in urban culture.
As a means of reflecting our soul to the outside world, the portrait has been exposed to all kinds of restrictions. Because the individual can reach the possibility of being a subject the extend to think, experience the limits and stand against of the self.
With this work, she wanted to tell the struggle of the young generation against the destruction of nature over time due to global warming.